Rediscovering eCommerce
growth this holiday season.
Guides, advice, and tips from experts to help you grow your business whether you're booming or recovering during this unprecedented holiday season.
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Katie Krische
Strategic Partnerships & Marketing Manager
Video Length 4:51

Fiona Stevens
Head of Marketing
Video Length 6:14

Greg Zakowics
Director of Content
Video Length 12:45

Michelle Lam
Customer Service Team Lead
Video Length 10:08

Derrick Haynie
Chief Ecommerce Technologist
Video Length 14:56
Available Now

Tim Peckover
Content Marketing Manager
Video Length 7:39

Sangeeta Walsh
Head of Platform Marketing
Video Length 6:42

Elena Kostova
Product Marketing Manager
Video Length 19:23

Chief Executive Officer
Video Length 9:15

Dakota Tompkins
Senior Business Development Manager
Video Length 7:36
Available Now

Autumn Carter
Strategic Partnerships
Video Length 10:16

Head of Marketing
Video Length 10:16

Derrick Heynie
Chief Ecommerce Technologist
Video Length 14:27

Soma Toth
CEO & Co-Founder
Video Length 14:23

Salil Panikkaveetil
Video Length 8:11

Gina Tirelli
Marketing Manager
Video Length 9:42
An unprecedented time of our lives
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, the way we build relationships, and the way we work. More importantly, this global event has, and will, change the way we build and grow businesses.
Some businesses have temporarily shut down and many other have been permanently impacted. While the eCommerce industry as a whole is growing steadily, merchants around the world are experiencing variable levels of decline, recovery, and growth.
To help eCommerce merchants revitalize their business and uncover new strategies for growth, we've invited some of the best eCommerce experts to share their vision for the new normal.
The plan
Over the next three weeks you'll watch and listen to what they have to say and what they would like you to consider for your business
Each week we will release 4 to 5 videos ranging from 5 to 10 minutes long that cover a specific topic. If you would like to access these videos please sign up to be notified.
By signing up, you also gain access to our team of growth experts that can help answer additional questions or make 1 on 1 direct introductions to the apps you're interested in.