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Shoutbox Trigger Customization

Customizing Trigger Color, Sizing, and Label

By default, the Reamaze.js Shoutbox will load with a default appearance, which act as the trigger for the shoutbox. You can customize the color, size, label and even screen position by copying the following snippet into your HTML and altering the values.

Copy and place the following code anywhere in your HTML. You'll need to replace the parameter values with values that match your customization, following the description below.

<script type="text/javascript">
  _support['ui']['widget'] = {
    position: {
      right: "{{ PIXELS_RIGHT }}",
      bottom: "{{ PIXELS_BOTTOM }}"
    label: {
      text: "{{ LABEL_TEXT }}",
      delay: {{ LABEL_DELAY}},
      duration: {{ LABEL_DURATION }},
      mode: "{{ LABEL_MODE }}",
      sound: "{{ LABEL_SOUND }}"
    size: {{ ICON_SIZE }},
    icon: "{{ ICON_PREFERENCE}}",
    color: '{{ THEME_COLOR }}'

Parameter Values

  • The position variable can be any CSS-like position value. You can use this to position the trigger widget in any corner of your UI (e.g. by using left or top instead of right or bottom, respectively).
  • {{ PIXELS_RIGHT }} has a default value of 22px and can be changed to any CSS valid pixel value.
  • {{ PIXELS_BOTTOM }} has a default value of 22px and can be changed to any CSS valid pixel value.
  • {{ LABEL_DELAY }} is the delay in seconds before the label is displayed and has a default value of 3.
  • {{ LABEL_DURATION }} is the duration in seconds before the label is hidden and has a default value of 30.
  • {{ LABEL_MODE }} is default by default but can be changed to notification. See "Notification Style Prompt" section below for more details.
  • {{ LABEL_SOUND }} is false by default but can be changed to true if mode is notification.
  • {{ ICON_SIZE }} has a default value of 52 and can be changed to any integer value.
  • {{ ICON_PREFERENCE }} has a default value of default (Reamaze logo) and can be changed to either help (Question Mark) or chat (Chat Bubbles).
  • {{ THEME_COLOR }} has a default value of rgba(16, 161, 197, 1) and can be changed to any CSS valid color value. This affects both the trigger as well as the color theme of the shoutbox.


The following example makes the shoutbox trigger display as shown in the image above.

<script type="text/javascript">
  _support['ui']['widget'] = {
    position: {
      right: "22px",
      bottom: "22px"
    label: {
      text: "Thanks for visiting! How can we help? ๐Ÿ˜Š"
    size: 56,
    icon: "chat",
    color: '#33b7d8'

Notification Style Prompt

You also have the option of changing the label attribute to display a more noticeable Notification style prompt.

To enable this style, simply change the mode attribute of the label to "notification". You can then optionally set sound to true or false (default).


The following example makes the shoutbox trigger display as shown in the image above with a Notification style prompt.

<script type="text/javascript">
  _support['ui']['widget'] = {
    label: {
      text: 'Thanks for visiting! How can we help? ๐Ÿ˜Š',
      delay: 3,
      mode: 'notification',
      sound: true,
    color: '#e57d58'

Next Step

If you'd like to remove the shoutbox trigger completely and invoke the support UI directly, you can do so by reading through the next section.

Next: Custom Support Lightbox โ†’